On Edge browser v120.0.2210.91 refresh the edit item page (use shift + refresh button to reload) to update the tinymce javascript. Edge browser was caching the old javascript and causing it to not work properly and adding paragraph tags and not showing all of the toolbar buttons.
Post meeting solution - use shift + refresh button to reload edit item page.
1) The issue was only happening in MS Edge v 120.0.2210.91 where the tinymce javascript and other javascript was being cached on the edge browser causing it to not load properly.
The solution - refresh the page that has the rich text editor on it:
Hold the ⇧ Shift key and click the Refresh button with your mouse. When you hold ⇧ Shift and click the Refresh button, Edge will completely reload the page that you're currently looking at; it will freshly download all of the HTML, Images, Styles, JavaScript code etc and re-display the page
2) manually click edit item and remove paragraph tags from any questions that were already saved.