UPDATE 2021:

Now you can create a dynamic token with a list of random URLs.

Put the dynamic token in the "survey options" > "completion" > "redirect" box.

On the landing survey make only one page and put the "open ended captcha" only on the first page.



Example of dynamic token SQL (put your list of random survey URLs in the query DO NOT USE THESE)

select top 1 i as results from(values('https://YOURRANDOMURL1'),('https://YOURRANDOMURL2'))t(i) order by newid()


Besides randomizing answer options or using page conditions, you can send users to random survey URLs from a landing page survey, or your own website.

For a landing page survey:

There are 2 options:

1) show a button to click to get to the random survey


2) automatically redirect them to a random survey

Below is instructions for both:

Get the deploy links for all of your surveys you want to randomize.

1) Create a new empty survey for the landing page.

2) insert a "presentation html" question type.

3) click "tools" > "source" from the question rich text box toolbar

4) copy/paste the below into the box then click save.

5) test


Click to open the random survey.


var myrandom = Math.round(Math.random());



document.write("<a href=\"http://43.selectsurvey.net/maram/TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=82KH462\" target=\"_blank\">CLICK RANDOM SURVEY LINK</a>" );




document.write("<a href=\"http://43.selectsurvey.net/maram/TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=82KH662\" target=\"_blank\">CLICK RANDOM SURVEY LINK</a>" );



Instructions:  Replace the URLs in the links above with your survey deploy links you want to randomize.

This specific example works for 2 links.  

Contact tech@classapps.com for example for you.